Horse Show Officials
Tammy Fillmore
Horse Show Manager
Stephanie Davis
Horse Show Staff
Stabling Manager
Stephanie Davis
Tina Legg
Payment Options
You can pay for the show via the following: Paypal - equinerescue@live.comVenmo - @heartofphoenixhorsesPlease make sure to indicate that the payment is for the show entry fees.
Fun Show Rules
This show is strictly a fun show. There is no required riding attire, you can show in a t-shirt and jeans if you wish. Food is available on the grounds. Electrical hookups are available for $15 per day. Dedicated water hook ups are not available.ALL RIDING CLASSES OVER 12 RIDERS WILL BE SPLIT.ALL DOGS MUST BE LEASED. Spectators are welcome, with a gate fee of a donation, or a full show parking pass for $20.
Fun Class Descriptions
Costume Class - Horses can be ridden or leadStick Horse Class - must provide your own stick horse! Generations Class - two riders, must be at least a decade difference in age. First rider rides first way around the ring, walk/trot. Second way - second rider mounts and shows at walk/trot/canter. Musical Mounting - When the music stops, riders must dismount from the correct side, run to the other side and mount from the offside.Potato Race - Potatoes will be on a pole, rider must trot/gait down to the potato, turn around and take to bucket. First one to do all potatoes wins. Cantering disqualifies. Jack Benny "Root Beer" Race - Trot horse to end of the arena, dismount, drink beverage, and race on foot back to the starting line with your horse. First horse across wins.
Last Updated: 2023 Jul 17 11:13 PM

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