Horse Show Officials
Course Designer
Brittany Cooper - 324 Toad Pasture Rd Middletown, NY
Competition Management
Brittany Cooper
Show Secretary
Debra Corr
Horse Show Staff
Office Staff
Debra Corr
Trish Hetman
Marshall & Sterling League
Princeton Equestrain League
Hudson Valley Horse Shows
COVID Procedures (Mandatory)
COVID ProceduresWe are proposing that all shows move forward with online entries only. Thiswill enable us to have a deadline and closing date for entries.Once the entries close, we can accurately calculate an approximate showing timefor the exhibitor to show. We can then safely limit the amount attendees bydoing this and have the exhibitor come and show at their given time and leaveafter showing.All exhibitors will be stopped upon entry to give name, email and phone numbersto be able contact trace.Upon arriving there will be a table that will have the exhibitors’ number and stringwith other pertinent information put out for them to grab without humancontact.Minor exhibitors will be allowed one parent (Guardian) to attend with the child.All exhibitors are allowed one groom to help prepare the horse ie, groom, saddle,help load and unload horses from the trailer.There will be No Spectators, all people on the ground are to wear proper PPE(Masks) and socially distant themselves in groups of no more than 10 people 6feet apart.Food will not be available, it will be, bring your own food and drink, all trash fromthe exhibitor’s food will be carry in and carry out.We will provide an EMT on the grounds in case of any emergencies.Thank you for your consideration and compliance.Contact me Debra Corr 914-474-7722
Last Updated: 2020 Sep 28 07:02 PM

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